Go see. Go do. Go Travel.

Welcome to the YMCA Alumni Travel Club, powered by Go Travel. This very special club is open to all YMCA Alumni members, families, and referred friends. Members are automatically part of the Travel Club, and there is no fee for belonging.

Our long-time partners at Go Travel carefully curate and power our travel Club experiences. Their dedicated YMCA Alumni Travel Club Team professionally manages the entire process. Your adventures are booked with esteemed international tour and cruising companies, ensuring a top-tier,  delightful experience. With us, you can plan your trips with confidence. Our trips are guaranteed to depart, regardless of the number of registered members and guests.

Our YMCA Alumni Travel Club team at Go Travel can enroll you in official YMCA Group trips and cruises and help you plan personal family reunions and individual travel experiences. They will happily offer their opinions and suggestions based on their years of experience. Go Travel works with more than 8,500 tour companies and cruise lines that provide our members discounts, credits, and special amenities. 

Visit these pages often to learn about planned trips and unique opportunities as they are announced. Watch for news in Going Places, our Travel Club newsletter, published six times yearly, in The Connection, our national member newsletter, on our YMCA Alumni Facebook page on Travel Tuesdays, and in your chapter newsletter.

Please don't wait to book your travel. Register as early as possible to obtain the best rates and ensure you have space reserved before trips sell out. We understand that "life happens," and you may cancel by specific dates. 

Welcome and Bon Voyage

Phill Morgan, YMCA Alumni President
Bob Cook, 
Go Travel National Sales Director 

Meet your YMCA Alumni
Travel Club Team
at Go Travel

Go Travel's team of expert advisers powering our YMCA Alumni Travel Club have each had decades of experience in the industry, and they are dedicated to making your group and individual experiences
stress-free and memorable.

Contact us

 Fill out the quick Inquiry Form. Just click the button below. You may also call or email us.

[email protected]


About the
Travel Club...

The YMCA Alumni Travel Club was officially founded a decade ago to offer group travel for our members, though the association has been providing travel opportunities such as our reunions and special events for many years. Our motto is: Connect, Travel, Serve.

Photo: Haan and Sue Phelps on our Alaska by Land and Sea trip.

About Go Travel

Go Travel was founded by Clint and Susan Bales in 1979. The agency was first connected to YMCA Alumni by booking a Reunion-at-Sea Caribbean cruise for 700 members in 2001. Go Travel has become one of the leading privately owned agencies in the U.S. and Canada. Its award-winning agents and staff will work diligently to discover your passion and create dream travel experiences for you.

Get inspired... Experience the world.